Helm Values
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Key | Type | Default | Description |
image.tag | string | "" | Default image tag (can be overwritten on component level) |
image.pullPolicy | string | "" | Default image pull policy (can be overwritten on component level) |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] | Default image pull secrets (can be overwritten on component level) |
podSecurityContext | object | {} | Default pod security content (can be overwritten on component level) |
nodeSelector | object | {} | Default node selector (can be overwritten on component level) |
affinity | object | {} | Default affinity settings (can be overwritten on component level) |
tolerations | list | [] | Default tolerations (can be overwritten on component level) |
priorityClassName | string | "" | Default priority class (can be overwritten on component level) |
topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] | Default topology spread constraints (can be overwritten on component level) |
podLabels | object | {} | Additional pod labels for all components |
podAnnotations | object | {} | Additional pod annotations for all components |
controller.replicas | int | 1 | Replicas |
controller.image.repository | string | "ghcr.io/sap/cap-operator/controller" | Image repository |
controller.image.tag | string | "" | Image tag |
controller.image.pullPolicy | string | "" | Image pull policy |
controller.imagePullSecrets | list | [] | Image pull secrets |
controller.podLabels | object | {} | Additional labels for controller pods |
controller.podAnnotations | object | {} | Additional annotations for controller pods |
controller.podSecurityContext | object | {} | Pod security content |
controller.nodeSelector | object | {} | Node selector |
controller.affinity | object | {} | Affinity settings |
controller.tolerations | list | [] | Tolerations |
controller.priorityClassName | string | "" | Priority class |
controller.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] | Topology spread constraints |
controller.securityContext | object | {} | Security context |
controller.resources.limits.memory | string | "500Mi" | Memory limit |
controller.resources.limits.cpu | float | 0.2 | CPU limit |
controller.resources.requests.memory | string | "50Mi" | Memory request |
controller.resources.requests.cpu | float | 0.02 | CPU request |
controller.volumes | list | [] | Optionally specify list of additional volumes for the controller pod(s) |
controller.volumeMounts | list | [] | Optionally specify list of additional volumeMounts for the controller container(s) |
controller.dnsTarget | string | "" | The dns target mentioned on the public ingress gateway service used in the cluster |
controller.versionMonitoring.prometheusAddress | string | "" | The URL of the Prometheus server from which metrics related to managed application versions can be queried |
controller.versionMonitoring.metricsEvaluationInterval | string | "1h" | The duration (example 2h) after which versions are evaluated for deletion; based on specified workload metrics |
controller.versionMonitoring.promClientAcquireRetryDelay | string | "1h" | The duration (example 10m) to wait before retrying to acquire Prometheus client and verify connection, after a failed attempt |
subscriptionServer.replicas | int | 1 | Replicas |
subscriptionServer.image.repository | string | "ghcr.io/sap/cap-operator/server" | Image repository |
subscriptionServer.image.tag | string | "" | Image tag |
subscriptionServer.image.pullPolicy | string | "" | Image pull policy |
subscriptionServer.imagePullSecrets | list | [] | Image pull secrets |
subscriptionServer.podLabels | object | {} | Additional labels for subscription server pods |
subscriptionServer.podAnnotations | object | {} | Additional annotations for subscription server pods |
subscriptionServer.podSecurityContext | object | {} | Pod security content |
subscriptionServer.nodeSelector | object | {} | Node selector |
subscriptionServer.affinity | object | {} | Affinity settings |
subscriptionServer.tolerations | list | [] | Tolerations |
subscriptionServer.priorityClassName | string | "" | Priority class |
subscriptionServer.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] | Topology spread constraints |
subscriptionServer.securityContext | object | {} | Security context |
subscriptionServer.resources.limits.memory | string | "200Mi" | Memory limit |
subscriptionServer.resources.limits.cpu | float | 0.1 | CPU limit |
subscriptionServer.resources.requests.memory | string | "20Mi" | Memory request |
subscriptionServer.resources.requests.cpu | float | 0.01 | CPU request |
subscriptionServer.volumes | list | [] | Optionally specify list of additional volumes for the server pod(s) |
subscriptionServer.volumeMounts | list | [] | Optionally specify list of additional volumeMounts for the server container(s) |
subscriptionServer.port | int | 4000 | Service port |
subscriptionServer.istioSystemNamespace | string | "istio-system" | The namespace in the cluster where istio system components are installed |
subscriptionServer.ingressGatewayLabels | object | {"app":"istio-ingressgateway","istio":"ingressgateway"} | Labels used to identify the istio ingress-gateway component |
subscriptionServer.dnsTarget | string | "public-ingress.clusters.cs.services.sap" | The dns target mentioned on the public ingress gateway service used in the cluster |
subscriptionServer.domain | string | "cap-operator.clusters.cs.services.sap" | The domain under which the cap operator subscription server would be available |
webhook.sidecar | bool | false | Side car to mount admission review |
webhook.replicas | int | 1 | Replicas |
webhook.image.repository | string | "ghcr.io/sap/cap-operator/web-hooks" | Image repository |
webhook.image.tag | string | "" | Image tag |
webhook.image.pullPolicy | string | "" | Image pull policy |
webhook.imagePullSecrets | list | [] | Image pull secrets |
webhook.podLabels | object | {} | Additional labels for validating webhook pods |
webhook.podAnnotations | object | {} | Additional annotations for validating webhook pods |
webhook.podSecurityContext | object | {} | Pod security content |
webhook.nodeSelector | object | {} | Node selector |
webhook.affinity | object | {} | Affinity settings |
webhook.tolerations | list | [] | Tolerations |
webhook.priorityClassName | string | "" | Priority class |
webhook.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] | Topology spread constraints |
webhook.securityContext | object | {} | Security context |
webhook.resources.limits.memory | string | "200Mi" | Memory limit |
webhook.resources.limits.cpu | float | 0.1 | CPU limit |
webhook.resources.requests.memory | string | "20Mi" | Memory request |
webhook.resources.requests.cpu | float | 0.01 | CPU request |
webhook.service | object | {"port":443,"targetPort":1443,"type":"ClusterIP"} | Service port |
webhook.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" | Service type |
webhook.service.port | int | 443 | Service port |
webhook.service.targetPort | int | 1443 | Target port |